Welcome to Hospital San Miguel
First scientific publication!
We are proud to announce the first scientific publication of hospital San Miguel in Emerging Infectious Disease, the scientific journal of the CDC. This publication is about the four serotypes of dengue that we found cocirculating here in Putumayo last year. This is very important information, since a reinfection with dengue with a different serotype can have a major impact on the patiënt. This publication is the result of a great collaboration between hospital San Miguel, Universidad San Francisco de Quito and University of California Berkeley.
Click on the link below to read the article.
Tuesday, December 3 is GivingTuesday.
Will you also participate?
GivingTuesday is a day to give. Quina Care wants to provide good healthcare for the people in Putumayo. The costs to keep the hospital running are high and the local population cannot afford this.
You can help! By making a donation to Quina Care on GivingTuesday!
With a donation of $35 we can provide an adult with a consultation, including medication and laboratory tests. For $285 you can cover a patient’s overnight stay in our inpatient ward.
Click on the link below for more information.
Quina Care brings health care closer to the Amazon AND NEEDS YOU!!
In the second half of October medical doctor Jacob van der Ende will visit the USA to promote hospital San Miguel. Watch the video to hear about his plans.
Policy Plan Quina Care 2024-2027.
The policy plan for the coming years has been drawn up by the board of Quina Care in consultation with the board of Quina Care Ecuador and tropical doctors Carolien and Jacob who work in hospital San Miguel. The plan describes Quina Care’s vision for the future and how we will work towards it in the next 3 years.
Hospital San Miguel is now an official A2CARES research site in Ecuador.
Hospital San Miguel has officially been accepted as a new A2CARES research site in Ecuador. A2CARES is one of the ten research centers that together form the CREID (Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases ) network, dedicated to addressing critical research areas in emerging infectious diseases and development of regional scientific expertise and research capacity. This approval as a foreign site is a big step forward in professionalizing diagnostics and scientific research within our hospital.
Clinical wards are open!!
Our clinical ward is finished: starting for 1 July we can also admit patients in our hospital. A big step for Hospital San Miguel, Puerto el Carmen and all the communities who are living alongside the rivers San Miguel and Putumayo. Watch the video for a short tour.
Hospital San Miguel has become reality
Hospital San Miguel has become reality
Hospital San Miguel has become reality
It has happened, the dream has come true: Hospital San Miguel has been opened and is very busy. Three months ago at eight o’clock in the morning the first patient was waiting before the big blue doors even opened.